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Product Listing Detail

Product ID (ex. NPYY-xxxx): NP08-4897
Plant ID: OT280
Product Name: CRACKBOND 2100 MV
Model Number:
Description: Crackbond 2100 MV, is a two-component, 100% solids, high strength epoxy bonding adhesive. It is a self-leveling, moisture insensitive, epoxy bonding and coating adhesive
Comments: *** Prior to its use on a project the contractor must work in conjunction with the manufacturer to ensure that the product will satisfy the specified anchorage system and its loading requirements ***
Manufacturer/Distributor: Adhesives Technology Corporation
Approval Responsibility: M&T
Group: Epoxies (1081)
Category: Epoxy Type 3
Brand: CRACKBOND 2100 MV
Status: Approved
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